Portfolio Pages

Create a new page with “Portfolio * columns” page template. You can select layout in 2, 3 or 4 columns.

Add Portfolio items

To add Portfolio items go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Portfolio > Add New. Now you can fill out the Title, Featured Image, text to Editor field etc.

Multiple Images

If you want to include multiple images (gallery) for a single portfolio post you must enter Gallery IDs in Item Info section (under the content editor).

To create new gallery please follow next steps:

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Select type Portfolio
  3. Click on Add Media button above the text editor
  4. Click Create Gallery
  5. Upload your images
  6. And the last click on Create a new gallery.
  7. Switch on Text editor and copy ids. Once you’ve done this delete gallery shortcode.
  8. Paste this ids to Gallery IDs field.
  9. Click on Publish/Update button.

Show Particular category (with children categories)

  1. Go to Dashboard > Portfolio > Portfolio Categories
  2. Create a few subcategories for existing categories by setting up it Parent select box.
  3. Go to Dashboard > Portfolio > Add New and create a post. Set up subcategory for this post.
  4. Go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New and create new page with with Portfolio * columns page template.
  5. Add custom fields with next parameters:
    • name: category          value: slug of your parent category
    • name: category_id     value: ID of your parent category
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