The Basic workflow

In this page I’ll be describing the basic workflow, one that doesn’t require much coding knowledge.

The basic file structure

After downloading Alchemists and unpacking the archive, the HTML folder will look like this (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1) The contents of the HTML folder.

Select a template version you want to work with, e.g. Basketball (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2) The contents of the Basketball folder.

The folder you need to use in the basic workflow is called build. The contents are as follows (Fig. 3):

Fig. 3) The contents of the Basketball ‘build’ folder.

You’ll find all HTML page templates inside build folder for each version accordingly. You don’t need to use the source folder or any of the additional files. Those is meant for the advanced users.

The workflow

There are 3 simple steps for getting your landing page up and running:

  1. Choose the template version that’s right for you.
  2. Edit its contents in your code editor of choice.
  3. Upload it to your live server.

If you want to add images and change the CSS or the JavaScript code you’ll need to open the corresponding files within the assets folder (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4) The contents of the ‘assets’ folder.

Please note that any errors or broken layouts that result from you editing the CSS or JavaScript files are not covered by support. Edit these files at your own risk.

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