Customize template SCSS variables

It’s recommended to use Sass to generate your own color skin.

We’ve prepared various sets of variables: Basketball, Soccer and American Football versions. You can find them here:

  • source/assets/scss/config/_variables-basketball.scss
  • source/assets/scss/config/_variables-basketball-dark.scss
  • source/assets/scss/config/_variables-soccer.scss
  • source/assets/scss/config/_variables-soccer-dark.scss
  • source/assets/scss/config/_variables-football.scss
  • source/assets/scss/config/_variables-esports.scss

To change any of existing variables it’s recommended to add your variables or overwrite existing in _custom-variables.scss:

  1. Open source/assets/scss/config/_custom-variables.scss in your favorite code editor.
  2. Change the value of color variable: $color-primary: #ffdc11; with your own.
  3. Compile your Sass to CSS (see above).
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