Setting up RD Mailform

You can use any form elements, presented on the Pages > Forms page, for implementing custom forms with a custom set of fields. You can also use any Bootstrap form-related elements that can be found on the Bootstrap Official Website , and Bootstrap Grid and Flex Grid elements for implementing custom form structure.

Attention: in RD Mailform, <input type=”email” name=”email”> is required for the correct functioning of the form. If the field is not present, you will get an error, when submitting a form.

Basic marking for creating a standard form looks the following way:

Mailform type setup

RD Mailform supports 3 mailform types:

  1. Contact form – contact;
  2. Order form – order;
  3. Subscription form – subscribe;

To change the contact form type, add to HTML marking of the target form ‘data-form-type’ attribute, where you should specify the form type as the value:

        <form class='rd-mailform' data-form-type="contact" method="post" action="bat/rd-mailform.php">

Form fields setup

RD Mailform supports the following field the following field types:

Text field:

Date and time selection menu. This menu supports 3 display types:

  1. Time selection – time;
  2. Date selection – date;
  3. Time and date selection – datetime.

To choose one of the display types, please use the ‘date-time-picker’ with the necessary value:

Simple selection menu;


Form fields validation setup

For dynamic validation of the form fields the mailform uses the Regula library. A link to Regula documentation can be found in Credits section.

Information messages setup

RD Mailform supports custom messages that inform about successful/unsuccessful sending of the form.

To change some default information messages, change the value of the msg field of the target validation type in script initialization file (scripts.js) in RD Mailform module:

SMTP server setup

In order to set up the email address to send the e-mails (sent with the help of RD Mailform @version 3.2.0), please replace in bat/rd-mailform.php file, the value of the recipient Email field to the recipient email.

Configuring SMTP

To configure sending e-mail using SMTP, you need to open the bat/rd-mailform.php file and set the value of the useSmtp field to true. Then, enter the settings of your SMTP into next object field.

To configure smtp through gmail, you need to give access to unreliable applications

Attention: mailform extension will not work on the local server. To send a mailform, upload your website to the hosting server you use.

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