Configuring spam and abuse protection
RD Mailform uses Google reCAPTCHA for spam protection.
Pay attention: in order to disable Google reCAPTCHA, just delete a section of html code, wrapped in comments “<!–Google captcha–>”
Getting Started with Google ReCaptcha
To manage Google ReCaptcha, you should:
- Register your domain at Google reCaptcha website and get a pair of API-keys (a pair of keys consists of site key and secret).
- Specify your API-keys in bat/reCaptcha.php file in $siteKey and $secret variables at the beginning of the file:
$siteKey = 'You site key here';
$secret = ‘You secret key here’; - Paste this section to html and specify your site key in data-attributedata-sitekey=””
You can find more detailed instructions at Google ReCaptcha official website.
Google ReCaptcha Marking
The basic marking for ReCaptcha looks the following way:
Pay attention: id attribute and .recaptcha class are required.
Changing Google ReCaptcha Size
To change widget size, specify in data-attribute data-size one of the following size values:
- compact;
- normal (default).
The sample code looks the following way:
Changing Google ReCaptcha widget color scheme
To change widget color scheme, specify in the data-attribute data-theme one of the following variants:
- dark;
- light (default).
Sample code looks the following way: