CSS Structure

Depends on the version you’re using you can find next CSS stylesheets:

  • bootstrap.scs Stylesheet for the default Bootstrap version.
  • fonts.css Stylesheet for the icons fonts version for example FontAwesome.
  • style.css Stylesheet for the all base and custom elements, components and sections.

Table of contents style.css

  1. Base
    1. Reset Styles
    2. Context Styles
    3. Page layout
    4. Offsets
  2. Utilities
    1. Text styling
    2. Row spacing
    3. Sections
    4. Grid modules
    5. Backgrounds
    6. Utilities custom
  3. Components
    1. Typography
    2. Triangle
    3. Brand
    4. Badge custom
    5. Links
    6. Blocks
    7. Boxes
    8. Groups
    9. Responsive units
    10. Lists
    11. Images
    12. Icons
    13. Tables custom
    14. Dividers
    15. Buttons
    16. Forms
    17. Posts
    19. Thumbnails
    20. Testimonial
    21. Breadcrumbs
    22. Pagination custom
    23. Snackbars
    24. Speakers
    25. Sponsors
    26. Schedule
    27. Footers
  4. Plugins
    1. Animate
    2. Preloader
    3. ToTop
    4. RD Navbar
    5. Swiper
    6. Google Map
    7. Search Results
    8. Nav custom
    9. Panel custom
    10. Tooltop Custom
    11. Counter
    12. Progress Bars
    13. Progress Circle
    14. Countdown
    15. Lightgallery
    16. Material Parallax
    17. Bootstrap Modal
    18. Video
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