February 25, 2021
- newCcurrent importer has been replaced with One Click Demo Import plugin
- tweakWP Job Manager 1.35.0 compatibility
- tweakWC Paid Listings 2.9.2 compatibility
- tweakWPJM – replaced text domain for “Save Draft” button
- tweakTranslation files updated
- tweakSmall JS tweaks
- fixFixed issue with importing Menus
- fixselect2 – incorrect position for logged in users
- fixFixed alerts styling after Contact Form 7 v5.2 update
March 23, 2020
- tweakHeader – Custom Text field was added for the Header Info
- fixResume Manager – Account Password field is not displayed on account creation
- fixFixes autoupdates for a child theme
- updateUpdate translation files
February 17, 2020
- newNew theme activation based on purchase code (Personal Token has been replaced with Purchase Code according to Envato WordPress requirements)
- tweakWP Job Manager 1.34.1 compatibility
- tweakResume Manager 1.18.1 compatibility
- tweakWP Job Manager Applications 2.5.0 compatibility
- tweakWooCommerce 3.9.2
- tweakRedux Framework has been removed from the theme folder
- updateTranslation files updated
September 18, 2019
- tweakWP Job Manager 1.33.5 compatibility
- fixJobs – “Featured Random” order doesn’t work in custom job-based elements
- fixResumes – “Featured Random” order doesn’t work in custom resume-based elements
- fixRemoved static Google Fonts links from theme.less
March 14, 2019
- fixBroken layout for [jobs]
- docsOnline Documentation
March 14, 2019
- tweakWP Job Manager 1.32.2 compatibility
- tweakWC Paid Listings 2.8.2 compatibility
- tweakApplications 2.4.1 compatibility
- tweakBookmarks 1.4.0 compatibility
- tweakAdded Classic Editor plugin as recommended
May 30, 2018
- tweakWP Job Manager 1.31.0 compatibility
- tweakWP Job Alerts – added link to Clean Login page
- tweakEnvato Market 2.0.0
- tweakWooCommerce 3.4 compatibility
- tweakAdded additional rules to upload JPEG format for Resume, Job gallery field (allow_mime_types)
- fixSmall fixes and performance improvements
January 7, 2018
- tweakTested on WordPress 4.9
- tweakWP Job Manager 1.29.2 compatibility
- tweakResume Manager 1.16.0 compatibility
- fixSmall tweaks and fixes
October 17, 2017
- newAdded option to upload Retina Logo
- newProduct Registration
- tweakDisplay Google Map on Single Job/Listing based on Geo code
- tweakWooCommerce 3.2 compatibility
- tweakWC Paid Listings 2.7.3 compatibility
- tweakWP Job Manager 1.29.0 compatibility
- tweakResume Manager 1.15.4 compatibility
- updateTranslation file
- fixContact Info fixes if some fields are empty
- fixCandidate Dashboard Login link
- fixOther small fixes and improvements
September 23, 2016
- fixColor changing issue
September 21, 2016
- tweakAdded separate options for Menu colors styling (Theme Options > Styling > Header)
- tweakRemove ‘sensor=false’ from the Google Map (no longer needed)
- fixIcon holder not displayed if icon set as ‘none’
July 28, 2016
- tweakOption to filter job and resume listings by categories for [jobs_feed] and [resumes_feed] shortcodes
- tweakOption to enable/disable Google Maps from the Job/Resume Single Page
- tweakAdded Tagline typography option
- tweakBetter styling for Job/Resume Geolocation plugins
- tweakTranslation file (.pot) update
- fixWoocommerce quantity field issue
- fixBody Background Color option doesn’t work properly
- fixLoader in ‘load more listings’ button for jobs/resumes
July 2, 2016
- tweakAdded Google Map API Key field. (New requirements for displaying Google Maps. Google MAP API Key now is required)
- tweakAdded ‘orderby’ = ‘featured’ option for [jobs]
- tweakAdded ‘orderby’ = ‘featured’ option for [resumes]
- fixTracking Code bug
- fixborder-radius doesn’t applied on first item in Jobs/Resumes Grid Layout bug
June 22, 2016
- new4 Home Page Layouts added
- newJobs/Resumes in Cards view (2, 3, 4 columns)
- newOne Click Sample Data Installation
- new‘Back to Top’ button added
- newAdded option to remove Page Heading on Single Job and Single Resume pages
- newAdded Fax numbers and field for 2nd address on Contacts Page
- newAdded Google Map 2nd office address
- newOption to remove Slider navigation
- newOption to add custom symbols (e.g. numbers) to [iconbox] shortcode
- newAdded text options to edit Jobs and Resumes search form fields via Theme Options
- tweakRemoved WP Less plugin from the theme and add it with TGMPA
- tweakFull width for Navigation if Layout Mode set to full width
- tweakShow category icon for [job_summary] based shortcodes only if job assigned to category
- tweakEnvato Toolkit plugin replaced by Envato Market plugin
- tweakCheck for empty fields on Contacts page + remove Phone field validation
- tweak‘DF Shortcodes for Babysitter’ moved to Github repository
- tweakDisplay Slider Description on Mobile devices
- tweakHeader Info on mobile devices
- tweakChangelog.md replaced with readme.txt
- updateFontAwesome 4.6.3
- updateWooCommerce 2.6 compatibility
- updateLanguage files
- updateRedux Framework
- fixTGMPA notification styling issue
- fixImprove scripts loading for DF Shortcodes plugin
- fixIcobox color issue if linked
- fixCheck if Resume Manager installed for [resume]-based shortcodes
September 11, 2015
- TweakCheck for empty tagline
- tweak Show category icon for [resume_summary] based shortcodes only if resume assigned to category
- fixColor changing issue
- fixCentering image with ‘.aligncenter’ class
August 24, 2015
- newThe theme reworked from scratch
- newWordPress 4.3 Compatible
- newBootstrap 3
- newWP Job Manager plugins and add-ons full support
- newRedux Theme Options
- newCSS3 Animation
- newElements added: Counter, Progress Bar, Buttons, Circular Bar, Sections, Team Members
- newGoogle Map on single job/resume page
- newFontAwesome 4.4.0 Icons
- newEntypo Icons
November 25, 2014
- newEmail icon to Header social links
- newYelp icon to Header social links
- updatemo/po files
- fixMinor bugs
May 16, 2014
- newAbility to disable box title in the Slider
- newTeam Custom Post types
- newAbility to change icon color [icobox]
- newSlider via shortcode
- tweakShortcode organization
- fixMinor bugs
April 26, 2014
- tweakWordPress 3.9 compatibility (Shortcodes Generator)
- fixText Based Logo on pages
- fixCarer name on Single page (fix for v1.3)
March 11, 2014
- newFullwidth blog page
- newAbility to use icons instead of images for [testimonial]
- newAbility to wrap [infobox] with a link
- fixText disappears in Chrome/Windows
- fixSometimes dropdown menu doesn’t work when logged in
- fixGravatar php notices
- fixDouble headings removed for posts
- fixNavigation background for Full width layout
- fixError tips for Contacts Form 7
- fixMinor bugs
December 13, 2013
- fixImage size for [jobs] shortcode
- fixBug with editing checkbox fields via admin panel (in v1.2)
December 8, 2013
- newAditional color options for Navigation
- newAbility to change currency via admin panel
- newFullwidth layout
- updateGoogle Web Fonts List
- tweakCompatibility with WP Job Manager 1.5.1
- fixMinor bugs
October 1, 2013
- newAbility to insert Jobs shortcodes via shortcodes generator
- fixMinor bugs
September 26, 2013
- newInitial release