To start using this plugin please follow next steps:
- Install WooCommerce plugin (free).
- Make sure that all pages are created (shop, cart etc.)
- Install WC Paid Listings add-on (paid).
- Now you need to create package (a new product type). Navigate to Products > Add Product
- Fill next fields:
- Title – name of your package, e.g. Standard
- Content – should be list of features.
- Product Data – choose Job Package.
- Regular Price – type your price, e.g. 10.00
- Job listing limit – the number of job listings a user can post with this package.
- Job listing duration – the number of days that the job listing will be active.
- Feature job listing? – if yes, it will be styled differently and sticky.
- Create another packages using guides above.
- Go to Pages > Add New
- Choose one of the next page templates:
- Jobs Pricing
- Click on Publish button.