Coming Soon Page

Coming Soon Page is a good way to let visitors know your site is coming soon. Coming Soon Page includes countdown timer, contact form and much more options. 
Please follow next steps to set up your Coming Soon Page

  1. First create a new page Pages > Add New
  2. Choose Coming Soon template in Page Attributes section.
  3. Next, navigate to WP Admin -> Settings -> Reading Settings and set a front page Coming Soon.
  4. Navigate to WP Admin -> Theme Options -> Coming Soon
  5. Upload your Logo, change Page Title, add some Short Description, set Launch Date
  6. To add form you need to create it using Contact Form 7 plugin. 
    Go to Contact > Add New and add next form:
    [email* email class:form-control placeholder "Enter your email here"][submit class:btn class:btn-success "Subscribe"]
  7. Once you created form grab your contact form shortcode and past it to Theme Options -> Coming Soon -> Contact Form Shortcode. Should be something like this

    Error: Contact form not found.

  8. Click on Save Changes button.

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