Registering A New Team
Add a new team by going to Teams → Add New.
Team Name, Short Name, Abbr
Enter the Team name in the title field.

Also, it’s recommended to add Short Name and Abbr (abbreviation) for the Team.
Short Description
Enter short information about the team in the content section. This content is displayed in the Overview section.


Each team has the following base details

- Leagues
- Seasons
- Home – court/ground/place
- Site URL – fill out if the team has a separate site
- Redirect – opens a site URL in a new tab
- Short Name
- Abbreviation
Team Logo

To upload a logo image click on Select Logo in the Logo section. We recommend using an image 512×512 in PNG format.
Player List
A team page can be displayed in two different layouts

However, each of the team layouts displays the team roster on right. To determine what players to display you must assign a player list to the team. To do that navigate to Players → Player Lists and create a list. The main thing is that you need to select a team

Once it’s done navigate to Teams → Your Team and enable the player list you created by checking in the Player List section.

Team Sections
The team page includes different sections
- Overview
- Statistics
- Awards
- Events
To rearrange the sections or disable some of them navigate to SportsPress → Settings → Teams → Layout and use drag&drop to rearrange the sections or click on the switch box to enable or disable a section.

More Info
We recommend checking a video guide on how to set up a team page by ThemeBoy (authors of the SportsPress plugin)