Menu Setup

To setup the menus, navigate to Appearance -> Menus. Enter a name for your menu and add links to the menu by using the options given on the left sidebar. You can manage your menus using the drag and drop functionality. After setting up your menu, select the menu you just created from the theme locations dropdown box and hit the “Save” button.

To get more information on how to setup menu in WordPress 3.x, see

Note! If the menu does not appear as the livedemo, go to Appereance > Menus and select the following:
Primary Menu -> Primary Menu
Account Menu -> Account Menu

Account Menu

Please make sure that you have installed next plugins:

Once you’ve installed and activated “Clean Login” plugin, go to “Pages” and create 4 pages with “Full width” page template and add next shortcodes:

  • Login – [clean-login] to create login form
  • My Account – [clean-login-edit] to create an edit profile form
  • Register – [clean-login-register] to create a registration form
  • Restore – [clean-login-restore] to create a forgotten password and restore form

Creating Account Menu

To create Account menu, click the “create a new menu” link, enter menu name, and click the “Create Menu” button. To assign the menu to the menu locations, click the “Manage Locations” tab then select your menu from the drop-down under “Assigned Menu” and then click the “Save Changes” button.

Adding Menu Items

Select your recently created “Account Menu” and add next pages:

  • Register
  • Login
  • My Account

Now you need to hide menu items based on user roles. Choose next settings for menu items:

  • For Register item choose “Logged Out Users” display mode 
  • For Login item choose “Logged Out Users” display mode 
  • For My Account item choose “Logged In Users” display mode

Also you can add icons for menu items. But first you need to add a custom CSS class to it. To enable this, navigate to “Appearance” > “Menus”. On the top right of the screen click “Screen Options”. Once the options are expanded click “CSS Class”.

Add next classes to menu items to add icons

  • For Register add class fa fa-user-plus
  • For Login add class fa fa-sign-in

Adding Sub Menu Items

Add next sub menu items to “My Account” menu item:

  • Edit Jobs – use page with [job_dashboard] shortcode.
  • Edit Resumes – use page with [candidate_dashboard] shortcode.
  • Logout – use custom link with next structure: LINK_TO_YOUR_LOGIN_PAGE/?authentication=success&action=logout. It means you need to copy your link to your login page (see above) and then add this code to it ?authentication=success&action=logout

Addin Woocommerce Sub Menu Items

If you’re using “WooCommerce” and “WC Paid Listings” add-on you may want to have items for CartOrdersEdit Address etc. It’s very easy to do. Just make sure that you have Woocommerce pages or create them from scratch and add them using instruction above.

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