Creating Menu
To create Main Menu please follow next steps:
- Go to Appearance → Menus → Edit Menus
- Create a new menu by clicking on Create a new menu link
- Enter menu name, e.g. Main
- To assign the menu to the menu location, click the Manage Locations tab then select Main from the drop-down under Assigned Menu and then click the Save Changes button.

Next, you can choose the pages you want to add to the menu. You can either automatically add all new top-level pages, or you can select specific pages from the left column.
First, click the View All tab to see all your site’s pages. After that click the box next to each of the pages you want to add to your menu, and then click on the Add to Menu button.

Once your pages have been added, you can move them around by dragging and dropping them.

If you want to create Mega Menu, make sure you enabled Mega Menu for the parent item.

After adding the menu items to the menu, select the location where you want to display the menu Primary and click on the Save Menu button.