Customize panel allows you to customize color styling, typography, text etc. of the theme. Go to Appearance > Customize to start customizing the theme.

- Site Identity You can set the basic settings here.
- General Site settings Here you can set the setttings such as Favicon, Breadcrumbs, Social links and Page Layout.
- Color Scheme Here you can customize theme colors.
- Typography Customize theme Typography in this section.
- Website Preloader Want to show or hide preloader? Jump into this section.
- Header The section allows you to setup site Header.
- Mobile Panel Here you can manage mobile panel displaying.
- Menus Here you can manage theme menus.
- Widgets Here you can manage theme widgets.
- Footer You can setup Footer settings here.
- Homepage Settings Here you can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site.
- Additional CSS Need to tweak something but can’t appropriate option? Just add your custom CSS here.